
Dureri abdominale | Vndecare acnee | Dependenta de alcool | Alergii | Artrita si artrita severa | Astm | Cancer | Infectie cu candida | Colita, infectii urinare | Colita ulceroasa | Constipatia | Diabet | Diaree | Migrene, dureri de cap | Diverse alte dureri | Eczeme | Emfizem pulmonar | Endometrioza | Lipsa energiei | Probleme cu fierea | Dependenta de fumat, tutun si nicotina | Guta | Hemoroizi | Hepatita C | Hernie | Infarct miocardic | Lupus | Matreata persistenta | Caderea parului (chelie, alopecie) | Picioare mirositoare | Piele: pete, riduri, aspect | Sindrom premenstrual (PMS) | Probleme cu inima | Prostatita | Psoriazis | Raceala si gripa | Scleroza multipla | Slabire | Tensiune arteriala


KIT Kombucco Orientalis Kombucco Orientalis is a beverage used by more than 2,000 years, with curative effects attributed by thousands of customers worldwide. It originates from ancient China, during the Tsin dynasty, and according to historical archives first mention seems to be from ancient Korea.

Since before the year 220 BC (during the Tsin Dynasty) is believed that Kombucco Orientalis has certain magical properties, which ensure immortality, but recently have done research and have proved and confirmed many of the properties assigned to it only speculative. 

We brought for the first time to maeket this healthy drink, 100% natural effervescence and taste fresh, similar to the cider or shocked.

It was established that by strengthening the immune system and eliminating toxins from the body becomes very unlikely that bacteria and viruses that cause diseases to find a favorable environment for multiplication.

Kombucco Orientalis

The rich created ferments allows bacteria to transform alcohol in acetic acid, which is actually the key in vinegar. In Kombucco was identified bacteria Acetobacter acetate, subspecies Xylinum together with other bodies associated with the production of vinegar. It is interesting to note vinegary was used by people for thousands of years. In his book "Kombucco, The Essential Guide", Christopher Hobbs said: "Vinegar was mentioned in the writings asirienilor, Greece and Romania as an important medicine by himself."

Remember carcinomicina and carcinomidina, two antitumoral substances recently discovered to be synthesized by a species of bacteria which is located in the Kombucco Orientalis. This could be a partial explanation for the antitumoral activity of the beverage, proved by the encouraging results obtained from many cancer patients.

It is good to point out that Kombucco Orientalis is a drink that does not cause addiction and was even tested long and admitted to a committee of the FDA (Federal Drug Administration), medical authority in charge of medicines licensing in the United States.
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